2018年3月26日 星期一

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (2)

Benefits of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy

  • Obvious weight loss: ~70-80% of the stomach will be removed thus significantly reduce stomach volume and induce a much earlier sense of satiety.

  • Effective diabetic control: with the reduced stomach volume and changes in hormones, such as increasing glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and peptide YY (PYY) for diabetes treatment that is stimulated by faster stomach emptying.

  • Reduced appetite: There is an immediate reduction in levels of the appetite stimulating hormone – Ghrelin, thus significantly reduce patient’s hunger sensation and appetite.

Risks of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy

  • Low risk: overall mortality risk is <1%.
  • Irreversibility: once the greater curve of the stomach is removed, normal stomach anatomy cannot be reinstated.
  • Heartburn: patients may experience a higher incidence of reflux / heartburn following surgery. 

Reference information: http://www.obesitysurgery.com.hk/english.html
The information aims to provide educational purpose only.  Anyone reading it should consult Surgery Specialist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

2018年3月21日 星期三

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (1)

Want to have a better control of eating volume without the need to avoid various foods? Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, a restrictive minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery, is the most widely performed weight loss surgery in Asia. By reducing the stomach size, patients will feel a sense of fullness much earlier, and thereby substantially reducing the volume intake.

Besides more effective weight loss, this surgery is effective in diabetic treatment with a remission rate of almost 70%. This surgery can significantly suppress the secretion of Ghrelin – a powerful appetite stimulating hormone. Patients recover quickly from surgery and are able to return to their daily activities in a short period of time. In order to achieve your target body weight, patients will have regular follow up with Dr. Wong and his team of allied health specialist (including dietitian and physiotherapist).

Procedure of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy
This surgery is indicated for patients with BMI over 30. Two weeks prior to surgery you are instructed to have only fluid diet and milk supplements. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Dr. Wong will make 4-5 small (1-1.5cm) incisions and remove 70-80% of the stomach in order to create a ‘banana’ shaped stomach. The entire procedure last for about one and half hours and patients will be discharged from hospital 3-4 days after surgery.

After your surgery, fluid and congee diet must be maintained within the first month in order to allow for good wound healing. After then, a “new” normal diet can be resumed. All patients must follow dietitians’ advise to ensure effective weight loss.


Reference information: http://www.obesitysurgery.com.hk/english.html
The information aims to provide educational purpose only.  Anyone reading it should consult Surgery Specialist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

2018年3月15日 星期四

新陳代謝綜合症廿年增三倍 (Part 2)

外科專科醫生黃頌德表示,二型糖尿病患者的血糖控制欠佳,以及體重指數達30至35的患者,可考慮接受治療縮胃手術,手術後餘下20%體 積,令患者的食量及胃口大減,腸促胰島素分泌增加,令糖尿病症狀好轉,甚至消失。許小姐在2011年接受縮胃手術後,一年間持續運動,體重減去70磅之 餘,其第二型糖尿病亦消失。她目前仍要服食降血壓藥物,但是由於再無出現心絞痛,不用再服食俗稱「底丸」的心絞痛藥。


參考資料: http://www.obesitysurgery.com.hk

2018年3月7日 星期三

新陳代謝綜合症廿年增三倍 (Part 1)

新陳代謝綜合症威脅港人健康,有專科醫生指出過去20年,港人患有此綜合症的增長率高達3倍。其中任職文員的許小姐自中學起已是「肥妹仔」,高峰時期體重 逾200磅,其後更患上新陳代謝綜合症,需要長期服藥之餘,日常生活亦受到影響,由於體重過重令膝蓋承受極大壓力,令她「每行一步都痛」,唯有每天乘的士 上班,之後接受手術,情況才紓緩下來。

新陳代謝綜合症的定義是患者有中央肥胖情況,即男士腰圍超過35吋(90厘米),女士腰圍超過31吋(80厘米);並同時出現其中兩種情況,包括高血壓、 高血糖、三脂酣油酸過高及好膽固醇過低。患者出現心臟病發或中風的機會,比平常人高出三倍,患糖尿病的風險更高出5倍。有醫學組織早年就推算本港有一成人 患有新陳代謝綜合症。

為了減去身上贅肉,40多歲的許小姐嘗試過做運動和節食,但是身體負荷的脂肪過多,令雙腿承受極大壓力,唯有無奈放棄。她又未能戒掉每餐進食兩碗飯的習 慣,結果每次減肥都失敗而回。許小姐坦言身形龐大令她心情沮喪,簡單如坐在椅子想起身的動作,她卻要借助椅把,將手放在上面借力,才能成功起身。住在北角 城市花園的她,雖鄰近地鐵站,卻因為步行導致膝蓋痛楚難當,結果要天天坐的士,亦經常遇上塞車而遲到。後來,許小姐在2008年發現自已患上第二型糖尿病 及高血壓,生活必須與藥物為伴。

參考資料: http://www.obesitysurgery.com.hk

2018年3月1日 星期四

【一年搞掂】345磅胖妹大減90公斤 「學校無人認得我」


法律系學生奧格內諾夫斯基(Jennifer Ognenovski)未減肥前缺乏自信,不敢與朋友逛商場或四處去,加上只是行走一會便感到疲倦,於是經常躲在家中。她亦都非常「為食」,又不願運動,結果體型失控暴脹,「我進食很多碳水化合物,我經常感到肚餓,我不能超過兩小時也不吃東西。」



參考資料: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/international/20170405/56521226