2016年2月24日 星期三

減重飲食迷思多 常見三大錯誤觀念











「身體不胖,就不要減肥,亂減會進入惡性循環。」黃致錕指出,身體最終的目的是保存熱量,不胖的人卻因愛美減重,身體會誤以為哪個環節出問題,如果攝入的 總熱量少於800大卡,基礎代謝率會下降,然後身體會設法把熱量要回來,形成所謂「溜溜球效應」,愈減愈胖,把身體都弄壞,很多藝人就是例證。

參考資料: www.antifat.tv/

2016年2月23日 星期二

減重手術 VS 傳統藥物治療

另一項研究邀請了60位BMI超過35,患有二型糖尿,而且HbA1c 水平超過7%,並分成兩組,分別接受傳統藥物治療及減重手術。研究中選用了兩種減重手術,一種是胃繞道術,另一種是膽胰分流術。研究以兩年內糖尿病病情控 制、空腹血糖少於5.6mmol/L及沒有服用藥物的HbA1c水平少於6.5%作指標。

兩年的跟進期內,接受減重手術的患者有較顯着的效果,血糖控制較只服用藥物的患者低,並有較好的病情控制,75%接受胃繞道術的患者及95%接受膽 胰分流術的患者糖尿病病情好轉(見圖二),比起只有一個能成功改善病情的藥物組別為好。另外,兩組治療對血糖控制均有功效,但手術治療的效果更佳。
[2] Mingrone G, et al. NEJM 2012; 366(17): 1577-1585

參考資料: www.obesitysurgery.com.hk

2016年2月17日 星期三

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (2)



Benefits of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy

  • Obvious weight loss: ~70-80% of the stomach will be removed thus significantly reduce stomach volume and induce a much earlier sense of satiety.
  • Effective diabetic control: with the reduced stomach volume and changes in hormones, such as increasing glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) and peptide YY (PYY) for diabetes treatment that is stimulated by faster stomach emptying.
  • Reduced appetite: There is an immediate reduction in levels of the appetite stimulating hormone – Ghrelin, thus significantly reduce patient’s hunger sensation and appetite.

Risks of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy

  • Low risk: overall mortality risk is <1%.
  • Irreversibility: once the greater curve of the stomach is removed, normal stomach anatomy cannot be reinstated.
  • Heartburn: patients may experience a higher incidence of reflux / heartburn following surgery. 

The information aims to provide educational purpose only.  Anyone reading it should consult Surgery Specialist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

2016年2月16日 星期二

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy (1)

Want to have a better control of eating volume without the need to avoid various foods? Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, a restrictive minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery, is the most widely performed weight loss surgery in Asia. By reducing the stomach size, patients will feel a sense of fullness much earlier, and thereby substantially reducing the volume intake.

Besides more effective weight loss, this surgery is effective in diabetic treatment with a remission rate of almost 70%. This surgery can significantly suppress the secretion of Ghrelin – a powerful appetite stimulating hormone. Patients recover quickly from surgery and are able to return to their daily activities in a short period of time. In order to achieve your target body weight, patients will have regular follow up with Dr. Wong and his team of allied health specialist (including dietitian and physiotherapist).

Procedure of laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy

This surgery is indicated for patients with BMI over 30. Two weeks prior to surgery you are instructed to have only fluid diet and milk supplements. The surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Dr. Wong will make 4-5 small (1-1.5cm) incisions and remove 70-80% of the stomach in order to create a ‘banana’ shaped stomach. The entire procedure last for about one and half hours and patients will be discharged from hospital 3-4 days after surgery.

After your surgery, fluid and congee diet must be maintained within the first month in order to allow for good wound healing. After then, a “new” normal diet can be resumed. All patients must follow dietitians’ advise to ensure effective weight loss.


The information aims to provide educational purpose only.  Anyone reading it should consult Surgery Specialist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

2016年2月11日 星期四

避免過年暴肥 謹記一高三低原則








參考資料: 台灣新聞