2014年7月29日 星期二



將大胃囊以摺疊方式縫合,使胃容量存留約 100 c.c.,藉由胃囊摺疊減去過多的體重,此為可逆性手術。


  • 死亡。全世界的統計數字顯示減重手術引起的死亡率約為1/200,一般來說,手術死亡的定義為手術後三十天內。 
  • 胃食道逆流。有些病人接受手術後會出現胃食道逆流或嘔吐的現象發生,此時應回門診。
  • 心臟病發。肥胖病患常有高脂血症引起動脈硬化,容易引致心臟病發作,手術前醫師會安排一系列的心血管檢查。若有血管阻塞的問題,一般會建議先處理心臟疾患。
  • 肺炎。腹部手術的病人因為活動力下降因此容易出現痰多不易清除的現象。但因為現今都是腹腔鏡手術,下床活動通常不受限制,因此很少見到。
  • 維生素缺乏。會教導你如何從食物的補充。
  • 胃囊破裂。胃部血液循環差而造成感染破裂,需再次手術。
  • 胃套疊。摺疊胃出現阻塞,此情況甚少發生,若出現須手術矯正。


參考資料: www.antifat.tv/

2014年7月22日 星期二

Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band (LAGB) (2)

Benefits of LAGB:

  • Improved eating habit: many overweight patients fail to feel sense of fullness due to eating too quickly. After surgery, eating too quickly will induce an early sense of satiety and may occasionally vomit, therefore, patients are taught to adjust their eating habits. 
  • Low risk of surgery: overall mortality rate is approximately 0.05%
  • Durability: all gastric bands are designed to last lifelong.
  • eversibility: since the surgery does not involve removing or cutting any part of the stomach, the band can be easily removed by minimally invasive approach at any time.
  • Adjustable: doctors can control the volume of saline to control the band tightness according to patient’s weight loss progress.
  • Quick recovery: with the benefits of minimally invasive technique, patients recover quickly from surgery and can return to their normal daily activities soon after surgery.

Risk of LAGB:

  • Risk of adjustment (access) port damage (up to 3%), slippage (3-8%) and erosion (up to 2%).
  • Involves implantation of a “foreign body”.
  • Relatively less weight loss compared with other bariatric surgeries.

The information aims to provide educational purpose only.  Anyone reading it should consult Surgery Specialist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

2014年7月17日 星期四

Laparoscopic Adjustable Gastric Band (LAGB) (1)

Asian diet consists mainly of volume instead of fast foods and sweets in the West. The influence of the “Western” portion sizes is causing more and more obese populations worldwide.

For BMI over 30, with an over-eating habit, LAGB may be a possible solution for weight loss by reducing the portion size ingested and improving daily eating habits.

This is one of the most widely adopted weight loss surgery as it is minimally invasive. Doctors can adjust the band according to the condition of the patient.


Procedure of LAGB:

Under normal conditions, once food is ingested, it will passes through the stomach and be broken down and absorbed in the small bowel. During the minimally invasive LAGB surgery, only four small incisions will be made. A silastic gastric band will be placed at the upper portion of the stomach to create a 15-20 ml “gastric pouch”. The adjustment port will be placed under the skin so it is completely invisible.

According to patient’s weight loss progress, doctors will adjust the band tightness by injecting saline solution via the adjustment port to the band. Patient will usually notice slight hold up sensation following adjustment but there should be NO pain.

The surgery is performed under general anesthesia, which takes about 1-1.5 hour. Shortly after surgery (on the same day) patient can start mobilizing and the length of stay is usually 1-2 days after surgery. No long-term medication is required. However, patients should change / restrict their diets, according to instructions given by Dr. Wong and your dietitian. Patients who had received LAGB will have to come back for follow up on a more regularly basis (every 1-2 months) during the first 2 years – as this is the “golden period” for weight loss. Long-term follow up is also needed.

The information aims to provide educational purpose only.  Anyone reading it should consult Surgery Specialist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.

2014年7月7日 星期一

腹腔鏡縮胃手術 (下)



  1. 減重效果明顯:縮胃手術切走約7至8成的胃部,使胃容量大大減少,故此能有效減少食量,很快達至減重效果。
  2. 有效治療糖尿病:術後患者食量大減,加上體內荷爾蒙也受影響改變,如提升Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) 及 Peptide YY (PYY),有效使血糖降低,治療糖尿病。
  3. 減少食欲:胃部頂端是分泌刺激食欲荷爾蒙的位置,由於縮胃手術會切走該部位,使患者減少飢餓的感覺,容易有飽肚感。

腹腔鏡縮胃手術的風險 / 缺點

  1. 術後患者可能會出現胃部過窄引致吞嚥困難、傷口流血,或因切口縫合不好而令胃部穿洞的併發症,但以上情況較罕見。
  2. 縮胃手術要切走部分胃部,不可還原胃部原來容量及形狀。

參考資料: www.obesitysurgery.com.hk