2016年1月26日 星期二

胃水球治療 (下)


  • 風險低:胃水球治療風險低、康復快、無創傷性,以及不需全身麻醉。
  • 改善飲食習慣:放置水球後,患者會增加飽足感,加上食物不易排到胃部下方,食量會逐漸減少,有效改善飲食習慣。
  • 還原性高:水球只是外置性,醫生可按照患者需要取走水球,還原性高。
  • 廣泛性高:除了不願意做手術的過重患者外,體重指數(BMI)不符合做減重手術以及嚴重肥胖人士,也可進行胃水球治療。嚴重肥胖人士可以先透過胃水球治療減重,然後再進行手術減重,減少手術風險。


  • 胃水球治療不是長遠的減重方法,水球不可存放在胃內超過半年,減重效果有限。即使再放置新水球,亦不會帶來顯著的減重效果。
  • 水球有機會破損漏水,引致腸塞。
  • 水球可能會引致胃水血及胃潰瘍等,但情況較罕見。
  • 部分患者在放置水球後會感到嚴重不適,需要在放置水球後不久取走水球。


2016年1月19日 星期二

胃水球治療 (上)

想減重但不想做手術?對於部分不欲做外科手術或不適宜進行全身麻醉的過胖人士來說,可能較適合以內視鏡進行的胃水球治療。胃水球被注射生理鹽水後,會浮在 胃部頂端,能減少胃容量,使患者容易產生飽足感。而此治療只屬臨時性,非長遠減重方法,因為水球不可在胃內存放逾6個月,否則有機會因水球破損而引致腸 塞,故此患者應保持均衡飲食及多做運動,才能有效減重。






參考資料: www.obesitysurgery.com.hk

2016年1月14日 星期四

Poor diet blamed for rise in metabolic condition


The number of overweight Hongkongers with metabolic syndrome, which greatly increases the risk of stroke, has almost trebled in the last quarter of a century, a health expert says.

More than one in four local adults has the condition, which also increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes, according to Dr Dennis Wong Chung-tak.

In 1990, the figure was less than one in 10 - and he believes the growing popularity of Western-style fast food is to blame.

"I believe the main reason for the increase is the change of diet," said Wong, a consultant surgeon at St Teresa's Hospital. "Unhealthy diet and lifestyle leads to obesity - the main cause of metabolic syndrome."

A person has the syndrome if they are overweight and have at least two of five symptoms: abdominal obesity, elevated triglycerides, low high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, hypertension and impaired fasting blood glucose. The risk of stroke is trebled, while the chance of heart disease and diabetes also rises.

Figures from the Centre for Health Protection show that one-third of local adults are overweight or obese based on their body mass index. The global average is just 14 per cent; for Southeast Asia, it is 3.7 per cent.

Citing figures from a study in the journal Metabolic Syndrome and Related Disorders last year, Wong said 28.8 per cent of Hong Kong adults could be considered to have metabolic syndrome. It was just 9.6 per cent in 1990.

Cardiologist Ho Hung-kwong said people with metabolic syndrome had a higher risk of blood vessel blockage, which, if occurring in the brain or heart, would result in a stroke or heart attack.

But Hongkongers were becoming more health-conscious and improving their diets in recent years, he said. The rise in patients with the condition could be due to genetic factors or a growing trend for people to have regular health checks, he said.

Wong said patients could reduce metabolic risk factors by losing weight, adding that they should try to lose weight through diet or exercise before considering more radical action.

But another option - weight-reduction surgery - should be considered for those who failed to shed the kilograms by more conventional means, he said.

Wong, who specialises in such procedures, said only about 100 such operations were performed in the city last year. He said patients could undergo bariatric operations, such as laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy - which reduces the stomach from the size of a football to that of a banana.

In Hong Kong, the stomach-reduction operation has a mortality rate of 0.3 per cent and a complication rate of 9 per cent.


Reference information: www.scmp.com
The information aims to provide educational purpose only. Anyone reading it should consult Surgery Specialist before considering treatment and should not rely on the information above.